Saturday, October 31, 2009

Indian Reservation

A few days ago I was a bit stressed and feeling down so I decided to drive around. It was at about 4am. I felt good, but as I always do in these trips, I wanted to go further than I did the last time. I stopped at an empty rest stop on the way, with just picnic tables and parking spaces. I layed on top of my car and looked at the stars. The light pollution of the city doesn't let you see any stars; it was beautiful. I ended up at the "Big Cypress Indian Reservation." I was driving down I-75 and I got down on the "Snake Road" exit by a Miccosukee gas station. Snake Road leads from the gas station from Miccosukee territory to Seminole territory.

I was about to turn back and get on the highway again. But I saw the road went the other way. All I saw was complete darkness. I was intrigued and I wanted to see where it lead to.

As I drove down the road was very very dark. It just kept going and going. It got foggy. It was exciting as I didn't know where the road would lead, or if I was even allowed to go in there.

Now the point of this blog entry is this:
As I drove down the road, I got this massive migraine. My head really started to hurt. Also, I had this strange feeling. It was neither good nor bad, just a neutral feeling, I don't know how to explain it, other than it was "different."

I felt as if there was something. Something you can't see, like energy, electricity, radio waves, radioactivity, etc. Living in a metropolis there is a lot of this. A lot of electromagnetic radiation coming from all of our gadgets and devices, the electricity, the energy waves, etc.

Now, geographically, this particular Miccosukee gas station was part of their reservation, you had to go some miles down to reach the Seminole reservation, which is separate. According to the 2000 census, there is no population in this part of the Miccosukkee reservation. It's just that one gas station, and you have to go down about 20 miles of the darkness of the everglades before you see any sort of civilization. And when you do it's very rural.

I think that because I drove down this area of pure natural land, without any radiation or electric posts, etc., I got a migraine. My brain is not used to this purity. I have grown accustomed to the radiation of radio waves, microwaves [cellphones], and infrared [satellite], etc. So when I reached this area without human impact, my body was not used to it.

This really goes to show how much stuff is out there that we don't see, which affects our everyday lives.

Now to go a little down the rabbit hole.

There are things out there like HAARP, MKULTRA, and SSSS [Silent Sound Spread Spectrum].
Who knows how much we are subliminally manipulated and mind controlled in these big urban population centers.
When we go outside of the reach of all this radiation, into nature, we may feel or think differently.
It's very subtle so it's hard to know what is actually going on and what exactly is changing.

Another theory... Maybe these Indian Reservations are being influenced with a certain frequency to keep them under control since they can't be controlled under normal laws due to their tribal sovereignty.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Next Halloween 2010 #todo

  • Celebrate whole month of October,
  • various costumes for different events/days/places,
  • photo shoots of "main" costume,
  • decorate your place,
  • carve a jack-o-lantern,
  • go to haunted houses,
  • visit "real" haunted houses,
  • haunted/ghost story "tours,"
  • go to the cemetery,
  • Halloween fairs,
  • Halloween Horror Nights,
  • scary movies out in theaters,
  • movie theater "horror fests,"
  • Halloween TV specials,
  • horror blockbuster nights [with friends or by myself],
  • trick-or-treating,
  • Halloween goth/industrial club nights [Fetish Factory, etc.],
  • Halloween House parties,
  • Halloween parades,
  • Street festivals,
  • Zombie walks,
  • Halloween at zoos and museums,
  • Halloween at the malls,
  • Do your research for Halloween events throughout the month,
  • Participate in Halloween Funfest,
  • Participate in "Halloween" contests

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


There are certain people in this universe which are worthless.  Their existence brings more harm than good. 
They manipulate, use, exploit, abuse, disrespect, devalue, drain, and take advantage of others.  They are irrational, psychotic, delusional, and stupid.  They do not contribute anything to society.  They are a waste of human flesh.  It doesn't matter what you do for these people, no matter how nice you are, they will always bring you down, treat you horribly, and blame you for all of their problems.  They will never change. 

Why do these people exist?  What is their purpose in the universe?  They have no value whatsoever and they are destructive to everyone and everything around them, regardless of how good you are to them. 

I don't understand what is the point of these people.  They should just be terminated.  That is the only logical solution for these kinds of people.  They bring no value to life other than to make everything worse.  

There should be some agency where you can file an application in order to terminate these useless people from Earth.  They are not worthy of the oxygen we breathe.  They should not be allowed to use any of the resources that we all use. 

It's people like this that make me truly believe that there is such a thing as evil in the world.

If the Borg came down to  Earth to assimilate one of these beings, which is not representative of the rest of humanity, the Borg will malfunction and die off.  This person's neuroses and delusional, irrational, and abusive thought patterns will spread through the Borg like a virus, dumbing down the hive and invalidating thousands of centuries of culture, technology, and knowledge gained through the assimilation of countless species throughout the universe.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


SYSTEM MAIN: Laptop with bluetooth or wi-fi direct [*] and latest, top-of the line specs.

Laptop will be disconnected from all other parts.  I will not have to use the physical laptop itself if I don't want to. 
I will have a typical "office desk" setting with my mouse, keyboard, monitor, all wireless, and the laptop will be on the side on a stand.  If I want to take the computer with me, I just grab the laptop from the stand, disconnect the power cord, and go somewhere else.  Alternatively, I can grab my wireless/touchpad keyboard and use it with my TV.

[Wireless refers to either bluetooth, wi-fi network, or wi-fi direct]

  • Vertical laptop stand | e.g. [*] [*]
  • Wireless AV System to connect display to TV [*]
  • Wireless keyboard with touchpad [*] / Laser keyboard [*] / Optimus Keyboard [*]
  • Wireless mouse
  • Wireless monitor [*]
  • Wireless USB Hub
  • Wireless external hard drive [*]
  • Wireless speakers
  • Wireless headphones
  • Wireless printer
  • Wireless Internet
  • etc.

Post-School Goals

In no particular order:
  • Get a better-paying job
  • Lose weight
  • Change to healthy diet
  • Begin exercising normally
  • Get lipo/surgery in specific areas I want
  • Begin indoctrinating myself to new habits
  • Pay off all debt
  • Set aside a savings account
  • Quit smoking
  • Read all textbooks from school and take notes
  • Keep any relevant/applicable information, donate else
  • Focus on "MECHANESTHESIA" initiative [brand, life system, philosophy, style]
  • Purchase all new technology I want; reposition self as one who is always on top of the latest technology and gadgetophile
  • Purchase new wardrobe | Replace current that I don't like
  • Purchase all the music I want
  • Purchase all the video games/video game consoles I want
  • Purchase all the books I want
  • Purchase all the DVDs I want
  • Purchase new furniture
  • Automate my life
  • Start online busines[es]
  • Start monthly event
  • Learn to dance
  • Learn to DJ
  • Lose virginity
  • Collect "fuck buddies"
  • Work on "sprituality"
  • Experiment with drugs
  • Look into psychonautics
  • Reconcile technology with spirituality
  • Reconcile technology with goth
  • Continue with Social Aggregation Sequence
  • Make music
  • Make art
  • etc. |