Friday, October 29, 2010

[system memeplex strategy]

This is pretty much partially what I'm already doing, I just want to write it all down, add to it, and be more cognizant about actually implementing it.

I need to make a grand list of all my interests/curiosities, and for each list the following in relation to them:
[I should also take into account goals and ideas]
  • People
  • Websites
  • Books
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Merchandise
  • Other Media/Objects
  • Classes/Workshops
  • [Curiosities should be limited to "starting points" to read and evaluate if further information-acquisition is desired]
I want some kind of "Master List" of all of these things organized via bookmarks and backed up.  Once this is fully organized, systematized, and double-checked for publishing, I will add them to a social bookmarking site.
Books and media will be added to my wishlists [which I should probably also compartmentalize and organize].  Also, I might finally buy a scanning system [] to keep an inventory of all my items and bridge the gap between unpurchased wishlist items and purchased items at home.
Blogs should be converted to RSS feeds.  I should have a "master list" of RSS feeds for every compartment of information that I want to stay informed about.  Of course, I will regularly evaluate this to cut redundancy.
I should create a schedule to read all these articles and books [?]
Possibly, I should have a "pending" folder for all of these websites/information sources before I "consume" them, deconstruct them, and turn them into further information sources/links/blogs.

Subsequently, when this is put into a system, I will need to figure out a way to absorb, compile, and reconcile this data into my life memeplex, and regurgitate it back into society via blogs, vlogs, personal sites, and status updates/posts on social networks.  These ideas can be "forwarded" as is or expounded on with with my own views and ideas.  I will later decide if I want to "dedicate" myself into a certain area of interest and decide whether I want to create a site, page, blog, etc. for it [like SFLGIS].  This should also be integrated with my business aspirations, which are also "creations" based on a memeplex.

Finally, I can reconcile all of these different aspects into a singular "reality style" and life philosophy.  It will be integrated to my online and offline identity [ensuring that both of these identities are also reconciled].  This "reality style" and life philosophy will be regularly built upon via musings and blog entries which address different aspects of life, including my answers to the typical existential questions.  Maybe I can name this memeplex later in the process.  I hope I can influence others as well...

Also, I need to work on my own personal website [aside from social networking profiles] which ties all of my online endeavors to one site.