Saturday, August 29, 2009

If only...

Tonight while I was working two guys came to the front desk around 4-ish. They were part of a group we had staying in the hotel "FL Democratic Party." One guy was shirtless, since he came from the pool, the other guy was fully clothed. They were both pretty handsome/cute. The shirtless one was better looking, with blond hair and blue eyes [?] and a mild southern accent.

They needed a new key. He didn't have his ID, so I had to ask him some questions about his reservation. I gave him the key. He asked for a napkin for his ear that was wet. Also, they asked me if there was anywhere they could buy cigarettes and I told them they could go to CVS. But then he asked if I smoked and I said yes, and they said if I could spare some cigarettes and I said yes. He asked for 2-3, I gave him three. He jokingly took the whole pack, and I said "No, it's like 6 bucks now!"

So I left the main point out for last:
While they were in the front desk, the shirtless guy kept saying that I was cute. He said I looked like Johnny Depp. I joked and said he's just saying that to get cigarettes out of me, and he said no, that he would say that regardless. He asked me how big my dick was. But then he kind of laughed that he even asked in the first place. Finally he said that the other guy that he was with wanted to fuck me, but he was too shy to ask. Then they left to their room.

They were both pretty cute, and the second guy, I actually had my eye on him earlier in the night.

Later, the 2nd guy comes back and tells me: "So yeah, in a 'non-gay way' you totally look like Johnny Depp. Has anyone said that to you before?" I say yes. Then he mentions the "Alice in Wonderland" movie. And tries to make some conversation. And then he leaves after a brief silence. I felt like I "lost him." I go to where he exited to take a cigarette break, I saw he was in his car, so I hesitated for a second. Then I walk towards the door, and he pulls out. As soon as I open the door he leaves. :(

I wanted to ask if what his friend said was true...

Monday, August 3, 2009

How Reality Works

This came to me during a [temporary RAM upgrade]...

Given, everything we experience throughout our entire lives is accessed through our various senses:

Sense of time
Various "internal senses"


Our brain is the system which processes and perceives the collective of all of our senses which create our reality.

Now the insight I had is this:

Imagine your body or maybe even your soul in a black void.

Now imagine electrical signals or frequencies coming of your body interacting with this image of reality that is around you.

The "black void" is like a layer that is in between your body and your image of reality, almost like a bubble.

So in summation, all of reality is sensed through "frequency waves" which actually "create" the reality around you.

The "frequencies" are the senses, the thoughts, everything...

This gives me an understanding of the whole concept of "creating your reality" by changing your thought frequencies. As someone put it in the past, I don't think the universe is a big "vending machine" for your every whim. But I do think that there is something to it. Thought frequencies are just a small part of it, but it does work. In the science of psychology it's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy." It has happened to be before, where I get a streak of "good luck" or "bad luck" depending on how my frame of mind is at that point in time.

Maybe the problem with this is that the thought itself is a frequency, and you have to learn to control the frequency behind the thought.

We only use 10% or less of our brains, so I think it takes a lot of learning to expand the utilization of your brain. There is no answer on how to "hack your brain." I believe that at the apex of this, or 100% brain utilization, you are one with God and can create your own reality in the sense that if you want, there is no floor or sky, you just disappear into a void where the void becomes your canvas of whatever reality you want to create.
There is no answer on how to do it, different people take different paths, whether it be shaping your thoughts, spirituality, ancient, modern, and personal religions, philosophies, and belief systems, learning, metacognition, studying the brain/mind, meditation, magic, necromancy, ritual, drugs, dreams, the sleep state, technology, music, etc.

An aside about technology, which I have always believed and I think it is relevant here:
It is hard to put into words. But there is this duality between technology and spirituality.
Even using those two words are limiting, but think of these two concepts:

I: technology, machine, systematization, bureaucracy, modernity, cyber, metropolis, the future, singularity, transhumanism, etc.

II: spirituality, the spirit realm, religion, tribes, the ancient, paranormal, ESP, etc.

It's hard to lump words into these two "concepts," but hopefully one gets the idea...

I & II, technology and spirituality, the future and the ancient, etc. seem to be two vast polar opposites.

But I propose integrating the two.
Strike that, it's already happening in labs all around the world.

Science is proving things that were long known be many ancient religions.

For example, in science we have the theory of "quantum entanglement," in religion we have the theory of "monism."

It seems as though the world of spirituality and technology are colliding.

My belief is that one can find enlightenment or reach "nirvana" through technology.

One method could be through a device such as a "God Helmet."

That more or less is an example of what my pseudonym "mechanesthesia" means to me.
It's the integration of the two concepts above.

"mecha" and "aesthesia"

A machine who senses.

-Technology, Mechanization, The System
versus or vis-à-vis
-Sensation, Feeling, our ancient roots [including ESP, psychometry, mediumship, clairvoyance, our connection to the spirit world and other realms of consciousness, etc., which I believe is part of the 90% of the brain we don't use]

P.S. Fuck you Twitter. I was almost thinking of posting this thought in 140 characters or less.