Sunday, July 11, 2010

Information Overload

I just read this blog post:
"The Creativity Crisis"

I've known this all along. This article states that ever since the 90's creativity has gone down. Although at the same time IQ has been going up. I think that this shows there is a relationship between information and creativity. The more information there is, while we may be smarter, there is no longer any more room to create, for creativity. Everything has been done before. We live in a postmodern society where there's nothing left to do; any idea you have you can just Google it and it has already been thought of. People don't have the incentive to be creative, to create. We have too many distractions. We have so many things polluting our minds and we don't have the memory or capacity to be creative. It doesn't fit into our daily lives. We live in a society of information overload, there's so much information out there, it's impossible to consume. We suffer from plentitude. We don't know what to do. We don't know what to consume. We don't know what to believe and there's just so much that we can't decide. Every year something like several petrabytes or something which is equivalent to several Library of Congresses is produced. Just imagine in a lifetime how much information is produced not to mention the information already exists from the past. At the same time, we have multi-national, multibillion dollar corporations vua every form of media telling us what to think, what to wear, what information we need to store in our minds. We have religious institutions, educational institutions, and society as a whole which includes parents and friends, all at the same time fighting for our mind. I suggest that we take control and decide what information we are going to select. What path, what information, what bytes are we going to select throughout our lifetime in the universe of information that is out there (which we can never even dream to consume in our lifetime). It's best to select a very small portion of it which you have control over, which aligns with who you are. Think if it as "reality art" (I'll have to go into that another day).

So do you want someone else to be control of your mind?

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