Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Everything is breaking around the house.
The remote to open the gate, the toilet, the bathroom tiles, the bathroom window, and the microwave have all broke. Probably some other things as well that I left out.
I tried changing my e-mail address for this forum I go to everyday, but I never received the validation e-mail, and now I can't log in until my e-mail address is validated. So I can't use that forum at all now.
I have several things I want to do before school starts, but I can't bring myself to do them (like checking all of my e-mails, cleaning/organizing my room, reading a bit of my Real Estate book, etc.).
School is looming ominously around the corner. I still haven't received my financial aid money and I need to buy my textbooks.
I have to take my Real Estate exam, but when? I have school starting in several days. I also have to study for Calculus which I need to take next semester, but I don't know in what time.
I'm sure there are several other dilemmas I missed or that are yet to come forth.

I blame all of these problems on my procrastination and not having things "neat and organized."
If I had things "neat and organized," my life would be "neat and organized" as well.
But now everything is a mess, and my life is reflecting that with all of these things breaking and all of these things are "going wrong."

And/or the "chaos" in my mind may be creating [even more] choas in my real life.

I actually told myself that I wasn't going to be so anal anymore and just "take things easy." And look what happens. I think that being anal kind of "balanced me out" because I would care about little things so much that it would make me anxious enough to actually do something. But there is a drawback about being anal. Since I want everything to be so perfect, I get overwhelmed and end up not doing anything at all.
I need to find a "happy medium." I should try to use my perfectionism when I see fit, and not all the time. I should "take it easy" other times too. I don't know what kind of brainwashing theories I need to make to get rid of my bad habits, but I need to think of something soon!

I hope I can at least check all of my e-mails now...

Well, at least I have been playing "Sonic Adventure DX," and I'm almost finished with it. So that's one thing that I am achieving.
Oh, and I finally got the change-of-grade for my Literary Analysis class. My professor changed it from a 'D' to a 'B.' So that's one positive thing that has happened at least.

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