Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hoarding Information--Bookmarks

All this time I've been hoarding blog posts, articles, website, etc. in my bookmarks. I have thousands of them going back to 2000. I am now casually going through a few of them and I found a few casual pages that I can read, share, and delete.

The problem was, either I didn't have time to read it, or I saved it after reading it because I liked it but never knew why. What was missing was "sharing." Before that wasn't a possibility. I wasn't able to share interesting information, so I would just hoard it and didn't know how to get it out of my system. It's like this obsession of hoarding information and to try memorize everything and integrating it into my knowledge, life, and processing it into other things like "to-dos" and "to-buys."

Another thing that is now possible which wasn't possible before is:
  • Universal Wish Lists [Can save all the stuff I want to buy on Amazon, even if it's not on Amazon, and stop wasting bookmark space]
  • Toodledo [Can make to-dos with urls instead of just having them sit in my bookmarks folder]
  • YouTube Favorites [Favorite any video I want to watch again instead of saving it]
  • Youtube Playlists [Can save something into "to watch later" if I don't have time]
  • ReadItLater [If I don't have time to read something, I can just put it into ReadItLater]
  • RSS feeds [Bookmark entire blogs instead of individual blog posts]
  • Evernote Web Clips [Clip interesting information to "archive" instead of just having it take up space on my bookmarks]
Another thing to note: I have to differentiate between archiving old information and saving information to read later.  Sometimes I read something already and I want to save it, but instead of putting it into Evernote or something, I have it taking up space on my bookmarks then I forget about it and read it again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Second Life

I just finished playing Second Life for several hours just exploring. I found this amazing city I want my avatar to move into called Insilico.

I suddenly remembered all my goals and dreams from the past when I would frequent these types of places, before I was so worried with my career path and my master's and trying to survive living on my own. When I was exploring SL, I wanted to create.  That was my initial reaction. I wanted to create my own outfits, furniture, home, store, products, brand, buildings, cities, etc.  I wanted to "DJ" at one of these virtual clubs. I then realized...  My goal in this virtual world wasn't to be the VP of Marketing at some corporation, it was to create.  To create a store, a business, art, fashion, music.  This is what I want to do in real life.  A virtual world gives you freedom to do whatever you want, and when you're in this world you get to find out who you truly are because there are no restrictions.  I miss that...

In the 90's and early 00's, the Internet was all about anonymity.  Being whoever you wanted and doing whatever you wanted.  Before social networks, there were forums, chats, hubs, fan sites, etc.  In these communities, people typically represented themselves with a character from their  favorite anime or a symbol that represented them or sometimes even a character they made up.  It was all about "image."  You weren't bound to your real face and your real job.  You could be who ever you wanted to be and you only gave as much info. as you felt comfortable with.  When I played one of my first online games, The Sims Online, I remember there were people of all ages and countries, and I actually had great conversations and even befriended these people.  People are not worried about their body image, age, sex, location, occupation, education, etc.  You are whoever you want.  Even during the interstitial phase of MySpace, you still had freedom to put whatever you wanted on your profile, even if it's horrible neon-colored animated gifs with clashing comic sans font.  People were able to express themselves more freely.

I still remember during that time I was preoccupied with creating for myself an "online identity." An online identity and a virtual one too.  It's almost like I forgot about all of that.

Facebook, Linkedin, and related entities are the new era of the internet.  It's all about who you are in real life.  What you look like, who your friends are, what you studied, what your job is, and what you "like."  This is a horrendous reinforcement of mass-consumerism and materialism.  You are your job.  You are what you buy.  You are your friends. And literally, many of Facebook's algorithms use your friends to make suggestions, recommendations, options, decisions for you.  It's almost like an inferred "groupthink" rather than the boundless, infinite individualism of before.

This is something I really want to get into.  This and video games.  Although it seems like "real life" gets in the way.

Looking back, I am glad that I have developed my "real life."  Before when I was living in a virtual and online world, I wished for a better "real life" that matched what was going on in my computer screen.  But now I can say I'm closer to being self-actualized and bridging the gap between my virtual, online, and real lives.  Hopefully they can all work together so that I can be a fuller, more holistic person with more options and ideas.

The virtual world teaches you and reminds you to be yourself without societal constraints.  With the "virtual" philosophy under my belt, I can now hope to be more myself, and not worry so much about "societal norms" and things like that which impede with who I really want to be.  Like I said, I want to create, I want to be creative, so I need to remind myself of that before I become a corporate zombie.

Although, I need to find a balance between such an immersive experience as SL and my first life. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Post-Job Goals and To-Do's

I'm coming to an end of of my job acquisition process where all my energy has been focused for the past couple of months.
Now I want to focus my energy on other things, and just relax.  [I tend to have a habit of  monomaniacally obsessing on one thing and ignoring all else.]  I want to "take it easy" mostly and just focus on "leisure."

Note to self: Plan out leisure activities, so you don't just lie in bed all day, vegging out watching TV, make room for other media.  Try to divide leisure from "errands."  Leisure activities, especially reading have become for me more of a chore because I've been conditioning myself to associate them with "errands" as I have written them in the same lists as homework assignments, chores, payments, and errands.

Although, these are not all "leisure" activities, but other goals and things I want to do. 

Ideas of things to do:
  • Finish reading "The Secret"
  • Get and read NLP book
  • Get and read "The Power"
  • Buy and Install iPhone Accessories
  • Study for and take GMAT
  • Write down questions and talk to counselor for all requirements for master's program
  • Get Passport
  • Pay off all your credit cards [first]
  • Read books on your bookshelf
  • Read all books you have
  • Give away books you don't want
  • Read books that belong to rest of family
  • Buy more books
  • Create a "schedule of consumption" and budget where you get a certain number of books, music, and other media to a point where you don't get overwhelmed
  • Start doing exercises
  • Eat better!
  • Create and stick to eating and exercising regimen, with DailyBurn
  • Get Withings scale after a certain weight
  • Get Nike+GPS shoes [or just the app]
  • Start walking around the neighborhood
  • Replace smoking with vaping completely.
  • Get backup ecig battery [blue or white LED]
  • Get more ecig liquid
  • Go through all your boxes of papers, notebooks, office supplies, etc. and separate into groups
  • Transcribe notes
  • Organize files and folders
  • Create virtual filing cabinet
  • Organize bookmarks
  • Redo e-mails
  • Get your own website domain name with QR codes
  • Create your site
  • Create "professional" portfolio on your site
  • Streamline e-mail, url, and phone number
  • Put on business card
  • Mobile/Tablet/Laptop/Online/Social Network Syncing
  • Access to all your personal could of info.
  • Finish Transferring Blog from MySpace
  • Finish SFLGIS Event Tab

iPhone Accessories List

  • Case
  • Screen Protector
  • Kickstand
  • Poddities Netsuke [for straps and charms]
  • Wrist Strap
  • Neck Strap
  • Charms
  • Stylus
  • Wrist Battery Charger
  • "Icon" Battery Charger
  • Universal TV Remote
  • Bluetooth Watch
  • Bluetooth Speakers
  • Shower Speaker
  • Projector
  • Bluetooth Keyboard
  • VGA Connector
  • Holster 
  • Video Glasses