Saturday, December 11, 2010

Post-Job Goals and To-Do's

I'm coming to an end of of my job acquisition process where all my energy has been focused for the past couple of months.
Now I want to focus my energy on other things, and just relax.  [I tend to have a habit of  monomaniacally obsessing on one thing and ignoring all else.]  I want to "take it easy" mostly and just focus on "leisure."

Note to self: Plan out leisure activities, so you don't just lie in bed all day, vegging out watching TV, make room for other media.  Try to divide leisure from "errands."  Leisure activities, especially reading have become for me more of a chore because I've been conditioning myself to associate them with "errands" as I have written them in the same lists as homework assignments, chores, payments, and errands.

Although, these are not all "leisure" activities, but other goals and things I want to do. 

Ideas of things to do:
  • Finish reading "The Secret"
  • Get and read NLP book
  • Get and read "The Power"
  • Buy and Install iPhone Accessories
  • Study for and take GMAT
  • Write down questions and talk to counselor for all requirements for master's program
  • Get Passport
  • Pay off all your credit cards [first]
  • Read books on your bookshelf
  • Read all books you have
  • Give away books you don't want
  • Read books that belong to rest of family
  • Buy more books
  • Create a "schedule of consumption" and budget where you get a certain number of books, music, and other media to a point where you don't get overwhelmed
  • Start doing exercises
  • Eat better!
  • Create and stick to eating and exercising regimen, with DailyBurn
  • Get Withings scale after a certain weight
  • Get Nike+GPS shoes [or just the app]
  • Start walking around the neighborhood
  • Replace smoking with vaping completely.
  • Get backup ecig battery [blue or white LED]
  • Get more ecig liquid
  • Go through all your boxes of papers, notebooks, office supplies, etc. and separate into groups
  • Transcribe notes
  • Organize files and folders
  • Create virtual filing cabinet
  • Organize bookmarks
  • Redo e-mails
  • Get your own website domain name with QR codes
  • Create your site
  • Create "professional" portfolio on your site
  • Streamline e-mail, url, and phone number
  • Put on business card
  • Mobile/Tablet/Laptop/Online/Social Network Syncing
  • Access to all your personal could of info.
  • Finish Transferring Blog from MySpace
  • Finish SFLGIS Event Tab

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