Wednesday, October 21, 2009


There are certain people in this universe which are worthless.  Their existence brings more harm than good. 
They manipulate, use, exploit, abuse, disrespect, devalue, drain, and take advantage of others.  They are irrational, psychotic, delusional, and stupid.  They do not contribute anything to society.  They are a waste of human flesh.  It doesn't matter what you do for these people, no matter how nice you are, they will always bring you down, treat you horribly, and blame you for all of their problems.  They will never change. 

Why do these people exist?  What is their purpose in the universe?  They have no value whatsoever and they are destructive to everyone and everything around them, regardless of how good you are to them. 

I don't understand what is the point of these people.  They should just be terminated.  That is the only logical solution for these kinds of people.  They bring no value to life other than to make everything worse.  

There should be some agency where you can file an application in order to terminate these useless people from Earth.  They are not worthy of the oxygen we breathe.  They should not be allowed to use any of the resources that we all use. 

It's people like this that make me truly believe that there is such a thing as evil in the world.

If the Borg came down to  Earth to assimilate one of these beings, which is not representative of the rest of humanity, the Borg will malfunction and die off.  This person's neuroses and delusional, irrational, and abusive thought patterns will spread through the Borg like a virus, dumbing down the hive and invalidating thousands of centuries of culture, technology, and knowledge gained through the assimilation of countless species throughout the universe.

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