Thursday, April 12, 2007

Plans and stuff

What do I want from life?
What do I want to do?
How can I be the ultimate me?
Am I satisfied with where I am now?
What can I do now to be happy with what I'm doing and move closer to where I want to be in life?

I started drawing, and it's not as horrible as I thought it would be. It's just my own style. It's not "professional" or anything, but I like it. Later I want to use actual paint and stuff like that.

Summer is coming up and I'm going to send my resume to my second cousin who works in some place in Miami Lakes. I might post my resume on Monster, however that works. I want to do that this weekend. I'm in my third year of college, so I can get a good paycheck. I'm not accepting anything under $10 an hour, especially since when I was a freshman, before I even started school I was already able to get a $10 an hour job. After I start working, I want to act as if I'm living on my own and save as if I were paying my rent, bills, insurance, etc. I want to see if I'm able to make ends meet in a hypothetical situation. I already think that I can. Then I can have more confidence to move on my own.

Moving is an issue that is impending in the back of my head. My parents want to move to Gainesville, but I have told them that I am staying behind and I don't want to move there. They said they'll wait until I finish college in a year. By then things will be easier, since I won't be in school. Now that I am going to work over the summer, I want to see how the financial situation is, and "practice" living on my own. I also want to make sure to learn anything I need to know that I depend on my parents for. Maybe I can ask how to cook a few things, I probably already know how to do it, I just haven't tried. I know that I know how to make steak, scrambled eggs, macaroni & cheese, etc. I want to make a list of anything that I depend on my parents for and start crossing things off as I see that I can do them by myself. For example, I've never gone to a Jiffy Lube or similar place to get my car checked and the oil changed, my dad has always done that.

Now, the thing is, I was thinking of double majoring in Marketing, which will add an extra semester to what I'm doing. If my parents leave and I'm completely on my own, it will be kind of hard going to school full time and working full time. Although, maybe I can find a way to cut it up somehow, take some online courses, go part-time, take summer courses.

I want[ed] to take Business Calculus over the summer, but the times and dates don't really look good. There's nothing on Saturdays, so it will conflict with my work, and I see that for Summer A & B, you have to go four days a week, instead of two. Maybe when I get my job I can see what times I'm going to be working and see if I can fit something in.

Also, in August I have to definitely take my Post-Licensing course and test for Real Estate. My license expires March 2008, and I think that is my last chance to take it if I want to keep my license. If not, I have to start all over again from scratch, re-take the state course, pass the course exam, pass the state exam, etc. But when I finish my post-licensing, I don't have to worry about that anymore, since I won't have to start from scratch, even if I don't do the continuing education (I think what they do is suspend your license until you take it). Then I will just have to do 14 hours of continuing education every two years, which can all be spread out and can be any real-estate related subject I want, and it can even be online. Real Estate hasn't really been yielding anything, but since I've been in school the entire time, I really haven't given it a chance. Now that I have summer, I can hopefully have my first client and my first closing. And when I get my summer job, I can start passing out my business cards. I also want to make new business cards, the cheap ones that I have are horrible, and it still has the calendar to 2006 in back of them (bad idea to put calendars in back of business cards).

So those are my "immediate" goals. But I also want to add in there some other things that are just good for my well-being and development. I want to do more things related to "me" and things that I like (instead of just the mundane school and career stuff). Over the summer I want to finally read the books I have lying around, the ones I actually want to read at least. Since I will be getting money, I can buy clothes I actually like and pretty much anything that I've ever wanted to get, but didn't have money to. I can also buy art-related stuff. I also want to go out, and hopefully I can go to some concert or something. I have noticed ever since I was young that the obstacle which was always limiting me in being who I really wanted to be was money. I know that may sound stupid, but there is only so much you can do without money. If I want to paint something, organize my room, wear a certain outfit, go to an event, etc. I need the money to actually buy what I need to do those things. So now I can get a job and see how it is to have some form of income.

P.S. This is so much better than writing in a physical journal. This would have taken me two hours if I wasn't typing it out...

Although, online journals do have their downfalls...

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