Friday, April 20, 2007

TV Dramedy

Entities on the television screen correlate to my dreams and aspirations.

I want to buy its clothes.
I want to buy its hair.
I want to buy its friends.
I want to buy its experiences.
I want to buy its life.

I am the character on the 8:30 pm situational comedy program.
I am the best friend you can always turn to.
I am the lonely girl in the corner.
I am the annoying little brother that ruins your science project.
I am the popular girl who gets into a freak car accident and becomes disfigured.

It broadcasts the perfect life.
It transmits memories of experiences I never had.

My first wetdream/period/bra/kiss/date/sexual.experience/fight/
My hectic part-time job.
My best friends.
My boy-/girl- friend.
My annoying parents.
My insecurities.

But I know that everything will work out after the third commercial break.

It tells me what to think.
It tells me what I care about.
It tells me what to feel.
It tells me who I am for 30 minutes.

The laugh track is my cue to smile.
The applause is my cue to approve.
The sad music is my cue to cry.
The advertisement is my cue to make a purchase.

[We'll be back after a short commercial break.]

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