Monday, August 20, 2001

I know, I know, I haven't updated since like forever, but who really cares? It's not like someone was waiting. Okay, well yesterday I saw The Others with my aunt, sister, and grandma. I usually go with them places, but I'd rather go with friends. My aunt and grandma is always talking about religious shit. They don't know I'm agnostic/ atheist, but they're not like "you're going to hell" people. But whatever I don't want to get into that. I'd much rather go without my grandma, she's always trying to coax me into cutting my damn hair. I don't want to cut my hair, and If I do I don't want to go with her. I only want a trim. I went to work with my dad (I think it was) Thursday. It fucking sucked. My dad is a damn trucker. We got stranded in this stupid place, and we had to wait a million years for my uncle to pick us up. As we waited I got a big migraine, I think it was due to the heat, or the fact that I only slept 2 hours. The only good thing about going to work with my dad was that we got to eat at Wendy's.

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

iN SKooL

Right now I'm in skool chillin' in the library. WTF? Yeah. Today is the last day of summer skool. :( No one came today There was only like four people (counting me) in my class. There were more, but they came just to be couted present, they went home afterwards<~~idiocy. I decided to go to the library instead of being syuck in a class seeing some stupid move. Well, in break the vending machine stole my dollar and all it gave me back was 35cents, and no fucking food. And I'm here bored I have no idea where to go online. I emailed my girlfriend ike 50 times. Damn, this internet is so much faster than my sorry ass 56K, fuck it's so much faster, and it's from the damn school! A shitty school in Hialeah has a better computer than me. and today this girl was trying to "hook me up" with thus guy. She's making a "love connection", and she's so fucking persistant. And the guy is ugly, but I guess I have to go out with him anyway to be nice. Then later I'll say something like "Look, I don't really want a realtionship, I don't hink this will work out, and I much rather be friends. Damn, things do happen in my life. Well recently anyway. Oh, well that's all that happened so far.

Thursday, August 9, 2001

Damn, this journal is a burden. I hate having to update this, but I love this journal. Whatever, I'm indifferent towards it. I haven't updated forever. Of 'course not much had happened since then. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I was kinda working on a project. For Health we had to do a project of anything that has to do with Health. I picked Kinds of Mental Illnesses. What I did was we went to the library on Monday and Tuesday (in school). I made a copy of an encyclopedia page that talked about kinds of mental illnesses. Then Tuesday and Wednesday I summarized it, and typed it. Whatever, we presented it today, and I got nervous and tongue tied, and it went pretty bad (on my part). Thank frogs my group partner did well, and "related" to the class. Well, since Monday I haven't been online because of the damn project, and me being the procrastinator that I am. Not doing much until the day before it's due. And I slept a lot the past three days. I woke up like around 7 and 8 from my naps Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I woke up at 6. Today I woke up pretty early. I usually go to sleep at 4. Arggg, I make everything sound so fucking boring! I have such a boring life! I have no fucking life! I'm a pathetic loser! That feels better. Well, today I meet like a few new people. I love meeting people. I'm a demophile, I love people. Except for the ignorant ones, they agitate me. My little cousin is so fucking annoying! He's like 2, and all he does is scream and mess up everything. I don't know why my aunt comes like everyday, and brings him. He's so annoying! Well, that's my journal for today.

Sunday, August 5, 2001

Spoiled plans

I know I haven't updated in forever. Well, on Friday I went to summer school as always. In Health we saw a movie called Philadelphia, it was about a guy that had AIDS, and he got fired when his boss found out, then he sued his boss at the end and dies. Then after school I was going to go to Mainstreet with some of my friends, but I couldn't get in contact with my mom to get her consent. On Saturday I was going to go to my best friend's/ girlfriend's house, but she wasn't home. I was going to go to the movies later, but I had no one to pick me up. Damn, I need to be one year older and have a car. So my sister and me ended up staying home. Well, that's more or less what has happened the past days. I was going to go out, and break my sedentary, stay at home all the time record, but I couldn't, there's always next weekend. Today I'm trying to work on a website finally. Everyone has a website except me, but not for long. I just need to figure out what to put in the damn webpage. It's about me, but I don't know what to write about myself.

Thursday, August 2, 2001

happy day

Today I went to school. I didn't go to school yesterday. I just slept until 11. They say that after 3 absences of summer school they kick you out excused or unexcused. I already have two. But my friend that works at the office says it's really 8 absences, cuz they're too lazy. Well, today in school I had to do 1,000,000 worksheets to do, that I couldn't even finish, but I got to finish them for homework since I was absent and they were worksheets from today and yesterday. PE was cool. It was raining so we didn't have to run. This girl was trying to get this guy to kiss me cuz I told her I liked him, but he's straight it was funny and amusing. After school, I was going to go to mainstreet (and break my perfect sedentary record), but I couldn't go cuz no one got the phone, and I couldn't tell them if I could go. But now I know that my mom would let me go. She's not that bad after all (not that bad). I'm gonna go to my girlfriend/ bestfriend's house this weekend. We're gonna rent Clockwork Orange and American History X, and we're just gonna have fun. We're planning to go to Zetafest, but there's only 4/14 bands we would like to see. So we are iffy about it. Today was a cool day, I was happy the whole day. Well, bye.