Sunday, August 5, 2001

Spoiled plans

I know I haven't updated in forever. Well, on Friday I went to summer school as always. In Health we saw a movie called Philadelphia, it was about a guy that had AIDS, and he got fired when his boss found out, then he sued his boss at the end and dies. Then after school I was going to go to Mainstreet with some of my friends, but I couldn't get in contact with my mom to get her consent. On Saturday I was going to go to my best friend's/ girlfriend's house, but she wasn't home. I was going to go to the movies later, but I had no one to pick me up. Damn, I need to be one year older and have a car. So my sister and me ended up staying home. Well, that's more or less what has happened the past days. I was going to go out, and break my sedentary, stay at home all the time record, but I couldn't, there's always next weekend. Today I'm trying to work on a website finally. Everyone has a website except me, but not for long. I just need to figure out what to put in the damn webpage. It's about me, but I don't know what to write about myself.

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