Monday, July 30, 2001

AOL sucks!!! I was in a chatroom talking, when then it started lagging, and it said that chat is temporarily unavailable. Then I went to my Buddy List and it said it's temporarily closed. Finally I went to my mail and it said sorry we are unable to list mail, and I can't sand mail either! Whatever, it better be fixed tomorrow. AOL sucks! Fuck AOL!

ice cream

Today I went to summer school. Health we had a new teacher he was pretty cool, and he didn't give as much work as my other teacher. I hope his niceness lasts. In PE we had to run. I hate it we have to run everyday. We walk for 2 minutes and run for 2 minutes for twenty minutes. I hated it, it sucked, but oh well I'm still alive. After school I was talking to all of these people until three (we leave at 1:05), it was cool. Then I got home and I ate my Gordita (left over from yesterday). I toke a nap from 3 something to 7 something. Then when I woke up I ate cookies 'n' cream ice cream. Then I started using the computer and here I am now. I'm a sleepy head, I love sleep. Since summer school started I go to sleep like at 12, I wake up at 6 something for school, I come back and take a 4 hour nap then I go to sleep around 12 again. I hid this journal (I have the downloaded one, it's easier to write stuff) yesterday. You know when you go to properties and hide a file. Well I hid this journal yesterday, and I couldn't get it back until today.
Oh, yesterday I went somewhere. What a miracle! Well, not with friends, with my aunt. We went to just drive around Miami Beach, just to look at all of the people and restaurants. Then we got Taco Bell (yay!) I got a number 5 and a Gordita. A number 5 is a Nacho Bell Grande and a taco. I ate everything except the Gordita (which I ate today). I know this is pathetic, but in my life going to Taco Bell is something exiting. I never go anywhere. I need to start going places with friends. I have been hanging out with the wrong people. A bunch of nerds that all they do is insult eachother and talk about the Simpsons. I just hung out with them because I had no one else to hang out with, but luckily I've found better people. More outgoing. They go to Mainstreet like everyday. I need to go. Oh well, whatever, that's everything. I'm done boring you to death with my pathetic life. So whatever, bye.

Sunday, July 29, 2001


Well, yesterday I woke up at 9:30am, and I went to sleep at 3:20am. I was up almost 18 hours. That still doesn't compare to Chaya she was up since 10 am on 7/27, and she went to sleep yesterday at like (I think it was) 2 something in the morning. The most I've ever been up was 23 hours twice. That was because I toke a long nap during the day and woke up really late (like around 12am or 11pm). And I just stayed up till the next day, and went to school. Then, I went to sleep at around the same time I woke up, but an hour earlier 'cuz I was too sleepy.
Well, anyways I was in a chatroom talking to a lot of people I knew. Then like a couple of people stayed and we talked for a long time. Then in one of the people's house there was someone watching us type. And then she wanted to talk to me. We talked and I ended up sleeping at 3:15. I know it's confusing I don't know how to explain, but whatever.

Saturday, July 28, 2001


I added myself to my friends list. Am I the only one who has done this? Does anyone think this is stupid? Well, I really don't care what you think, unless you're nice. So, whatever. Damn! What do I fucking do? Does anyone know any good websites? No porn please. Like anyone is even reading this. Well, my entries are fairly short so it is not as arduous to read. Do you like my kitty mood icons? I love kitties! =)


Instant Messaging

Well, I fixed my IMing problem. Now I can IM people. When I have nothing to do online I talk to people on my Buddy List; so I was extra bored without that option.


Well, today I woke up at 9:30, and have been online ever since. For some reason I can't IM anyone on AOL. I already know how to fix it, but I need the password for the master screen name. So, I have to wait until they wake up. I am so bored, there is nothing to do. This is why I like summer school so much, because I never have anything to do at home. In summer school I could at least talk to my friends. Notice how I say summer school instead of school. That's because summer school is cool; it's short and fun. Regular school sucks; it's eternal and exhuasting. Damn, I'm so fucking horny! Can I fuck you? Fuck me! Please! I need to jack off, badly!<~~~Charming, very charming.

1 fuck

Yay! I changed the little comment thingie!

Friday, July 27, 2001


I know I haven't updated in like three years. Well, where do I start. I went to summer school today. I had Health first then PE Health was cool, we didn't do work the whole day, which is a miracle because we are either outlining a chapter or reviewing it. Today we did neither. PE was so-so. We had to go out and play football. I and these two other people didn't want to play. The guys had to play football, while the girls got to play kickball, we asked if we could play kickball but they didn't let us. That's discrimination, but whatever it's also PE so I don't care. So what we did was we looked for a secluded area and played rummy (a card game). Then the PE teacher saw us, and we got in trouble. We did not show any resistance since we were stoical to the whole situation. They made us walk the perimeter of the field until, it was time to go in the gym. It was better because we were going to run if we were playing football, but this way we just walked and socialized. Then I went home I ate two tuna sandwiches and here I am now. I know I don't give enough details. I tried today. I talked about PE, but not Health. But whatever it's not like anyone wants to read it anyway. Oh, well that was more or less my day today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2001


I finally found out what weak, strong, and stronger accent is. For all of those who didn't know. Weak accent is the small line that separates the days. Strong accent is the thick border around the the sidebar and where your entries are. And stronger accent is the background (not where the entries are, in back of it, mine is red).


Well, I didn't go to school today. I woke up at 11 something AM. I drank cafe con leche for breakfast (I have no idea how to say it in english, I know in French it's cafe du latte).
Damn, my life is boring. In other people's journal you see stuff like "I went to my friends house and we saw this movie, then we smoked Mary Jane," or "I went to Orlando over the weekend and my band played at this club". I wish I had a band. I don't even have a damn guitar. Well, I do, but it doesn't count it's a shitty guitar from a make I've never even heard of, and I think it's broken. I still need an amp to play it as well.
You know I just thought of something, I think I have social anxiety disorder. I mean I act semi-psychotic when in school, and when at home I am perfectly idle and placid. Like when I'm in school I start like hurting myself and stuff, well I am a semi-masochist so I like it, but I don't know, I get like that too sometimes at home. Oh, I know! It's just when I'm hyper. Cuz sometimes I get hyper like at night or when I'm excited. I repeat stuff over and over again and start hitting myself (and do not even think of putting a sharp object anywhere near me). Some people run around, others turn into masochists. But I don't care I like the way I am. It's original (I think). Yeah, so I am stoical/ masochistic. Well, whatever, that's my entry for today. Who ever said it has to be about your day?
"When all of your wishes are granted many of your dreams will be destroyed"

Monday, July 23, 2001


Damn! I always forget to put my current mood. Well, I am always apathetic and bored. Today I was overcaffeinated now I'm just semi-overcaffeinated. And why isn't the website to my journal responding!?

Blah blah blah

Um... today I went to school, then I came back from school and went home. I ate popcorn when I came back for lunch.
Ok my real name is Kesley (no I didn't spell it wrong).
Not Methamphetamine Melancholia Psychosis.
I am male, live in Hialeah, Florida, United States. I go to HML (it's a school). I am going to summer school right now. Um... stuff. Blah blah blah. Damn I can't think of anything. I don't have anymore soda in my house so I have to call her an tell her to buy more. My computer is in the fucking living room so that sucks (can you say fuck in this website?).
Wow, you're so special want a cookie.
Sorry, I have no life as I said before, and nothing exiting happened today, or ever happens, well depends on what you consider exiting.
Like anyone is even reading this.
Um... I'm bi and I'm horny right now.
No, that's just sick.
No it's not, there are sicker people out there.
Me being one.
Oh well, fuck it. Bye!

Sunday, July 22, 2001

summer skool

Well, I am going to summer school (not because I'm stupid, so I won't have to take P.E. next year). Summer school is pretty cool. I have nothing to do all day so summer school is my salvation. I have Health first then P.E. I think that I like summer school so much because I actually have people to talk to. Which is weird because during the regular school year usually I have no one to talk to and I don't talk to anyone or make friends. But now I met like a ton of people. Maybe it's because I have been working on my social skills a little.
Well, I finished boring you with my pathetic life you may go on with yours now.



I finally got my journal modified. To the colors and stuff I wanted. I still don't know what the hell weak, strong, and stronger accent is or page emphasized text, but oh well whatever.
Well, today I ate two soft tacos for breakfast around 12am. I threw up after several bites, but then I kept eating it. I love Taco Bell. I have been online since like 1pm (i think) it's almost 5pm now. I have no life.

First Journal Entry

Well, this is my first Journal Entry. I created this journal because I am constantly bored and have nothing to do, and my ennui directed me into creating a live journal.