Sunday, August 28, 2005


I had this dream that I was in my old apartment complex, and right in the middle of it there was an onramp to this expressway.
It was this special expressway that you could only get through my apartment complex.
I think it had an offramp as well on the opposite side of the onramp.
It was right in the center, encircled by other apartment buildings (from the same complex), where grass or something else should be. But there was an expressway instead.
Well, all I remember is that I went on the expressway and that, at another time, I was also looking at it and walking around that area.
Nothing special.
The strange thing is, I remember having this dream before.


Well, I just wanted to say this, now that the time is right.
I'm starting school now, and I know I've been complaining about wasting time throughout the summer, but I think I actually had a pretty good summer.
Maybe even a "great" summer.
I didn't just waste my entire summer like I would like to lead myself to believe.

-I cleaned out all of the boxes full of papers, books, and other miscellaneous stuff that I had in my room.
-I cleaned my room and organized a lot of my papers, gavetas, and such. (Although that was in the very beginning of summer and I should do another "spring cleaning" soon.)
-I got my laptop.
-Me and my dad set up my desk and office chair.
-I made and perfected my résumé (although I never got the job).
-I helped my Literary Analysis professor over the summer (for almost two months) editing essays and doing some other "office work" (for WAC) in order to get a change of grade. I finally got it, and he changed it from a 'D' to a 'B.'
-I took a real estate course for three weeks and I passed.
-I ate junkfood everyday for the entire second half of summer and only gained like eight lbs.
-I pretty much went to a drive-thru (to buy junkfood) and/or Farm Stores (to buy soda) everyday from 1a to 4a.
-I learned how to drive to Davie.
-I went on a few "joyrides," around Hialeah and to Miami Lakes. Twice I went through the route I learned that goes all the way to Davie without my parents knowing. The second time around I took the expressway on the way back without really being sure about it (since I had only been in that expressway once before in my life) and I made it home okay. I went to this other place once too, I think it was Miami Gardens. All of these "joyrides" were from 2a to 5a.
-I experienced driving 111 mph (it didn't want to go any faster), although it was only for a few minutes.
-I tested out my independence (given to me by my parents), and found that I had a lot of it.
-I found out/learned about new music and other "cool"/interesting things in general. Maybe I learned more about myself as well.
-I "grew."



I'm going to really miss summer.

I just finished getting a Bacon McGriddle combo from McDonalds.
(I found out they have breakfast after 4am. They're really strict. I think they should just serve both breakfast and lunch at all times...)

When school starts, I know I'm not going to be able to get McDonalds or Taco Bell at 3 or 4 am anymore because I should be sleeping or doing homework. Oh and I can't go on my "joyrides" in the middle of the night either...
Well, maybe I can a bit if don't overwhelm myself with so much work and get stuff out of the way (without procrastinating).

I'm not going to be able to slack off anymore... :(
(as much)

I just hope everything goes well.

Today I was able to get half of my textbooks in this used book store in front of FIU.
I was also able to get all of my school supplies and some other things.
So I don't have to worry about those things anymore.
I'm looking forward to starting school.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

To Do

Task: Differentiate between errands and different types of goals (short-term, long-term, life goals, short and big goals).
I mix a lot of different things in my to-do lists that aren't errands or tasks to do. A lot of them are actually goals that just can't be done in an allotted time and checked off. I need to make a to-do list and identify what is a goal (and what kind of goal it is) and what is a simple task or errand. Maybe I can even determine and identify the difficulty of certain tasks/errands. Commingling errands and goals really makes me anxious. I need a separate list of goals from my to-do lists.
Then maybe I can break down my goals into smaller and smaller goals, until they are small enough to become specific tasks. If those tasks are too arduous, I can break them down further until I have the most ease.
Maybe I can even get to the point that I can associate certain tasks to their corresponding goals and I can see myself progressing towards not just that goal, but many different goals.

Menacingly Looming Imminence

I think all of my anxiety of "impending doom" was actually me sensing the hurricane.
I now found out that hurricane Katrina is coming tomorrow! Today I felt horrible, like "something bad is going to happen." Yesterday night I felt a modicum of that as well. I thought that everything was going crazy or something, but I think it was just that I sensed that the hurricane was coming, just like animals can sense it. I actually hadn't heard anything about it until a few hours ago.
Sometimes I can sense when something is going to happen. A few years ago, I had a similar "uneasy," "unsettling" feeling, and by the end of the day my family had a huge fight. I don't get it all the time, but when I do it's usually because something "bad" is going to happen. Although, I don't remember if I have had any "miscalculations" with this.

I think I got some of my luck back. First of all, my change-of-grade and FAFSA money appeared just in time, right before it was due. Also, I noticed that my Accounting teacher was changed; now I have a different Accounting teacher. I looked up my old Accounting teacher's rating in the new "Rate Your Professor" feature on, and she had a very low rating. All of the comments were negative, and she only had one score/comment that was neutral.


Everything is breaking around the house.
The remote to open the gate, the toilet, the bathroom tiles, the bathroom window, and the microwave have all broke. Probably some other things as well that I left out.
I tried changing my e-mail address for this forum I go to everyday, but I never received the validation e-mail, and now I can't log in until my e-mail address is validated. So I can't use that forum at all now.
I have several things I want to do before school starts, but I can't bring myself to do them (like checking all of my e-mails, cleaning/organizing my room, reading a bit of my Real Estate book, etc.).
School is looming ominously around the corner. I still haven't received my financial aid money and I need to buy my textbooks.
I have to take my Real Estate exam, but when? I have school starting in several days. I also have to study for Calculus which I need to take next semester, but I don't know in what time.
I'm sure there are several other dilemmas I missed or that are yet to come forth.

I blame all of these problems on my procrastination and not having things "neat and organized."
If I had things "neat and organized," my life would be "neat and organized" as well.
But now everything is a mess, and my life is reflecting that with all of these things breaking and all of these things are "going wrong."

And/or the "chaos" in my mind may be creating [even more] choas in my real life.

I actually told myself that I wasn't going to be so anal anymore and just "take things easy." And look what happens. I think that being anal kind of "balanced me out" because I would care about little things so much that it would make me anxious enough to actually do something. But there is a drawback about being anal. Since I want everything to be so perfect, I get overwhelmed and end up not doing anything at all.
I need to find a "happy medium." I should try to use my perfectionism when I see fit, and not all the time. I should "take it easy" other times too. I don't know what kind of brainwashing theories I need to make to get rid of my bad habits, but I need to think of something soon!

I hope I can at least check all of my e-mails now...

Well, at least I have been playing "Sonic Adventure DX," and I'm almost finished with it. So that's one thing that I am achieving.
Oh, and I finally got the change-of-grade for my Literary Analysis class. My professor changed it from a 'D' to a 'B.' So that's one positive thing that has happened at least.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dissociative Identity Disorder

I just finished watching "Sybil" (well 3/4 of it).
It was a great movie.
Sybil has such a nice personality. She's really interesting. And she is good at talking and she thinks fast. Like that mom from the Gilmore Girls.

I can't help to think that maybe I've had a lost personality from my past, or maybe we all have.
Maybe, we have certain personalities with certain skills and preferences, and we just lose them as time passes by and gain new personalities in their places.

Before, I used to be a more "left-brained" person. I was good in math, I was always organized, I did everything on time. That personality also liked reading. Now I'm the complete opposite, I'm more spontaneous, I loathe math, I'm more creative, I'm less organized, and I can't concentrate when it comes to reading. My more left-brained personality just left one day, and I don't know how to get back in contact with him. It would really help with Calculus.
Just like with Sybil, if I could get into contact with this personality it would help me cope with some aspects of life, just like she had to "unite" all of her different personalities to use in her life for different situations.

People with disassociative identity disorder have a fragmented personality and different fragments emerge at different times. Maybe everyone has this, they just lose a fragment, but they just don't know how to "trigger" that fragment (directly or indirectly).

I know, I'm full of these preposterous theories, but I think thinking of things in differently helps me cope with life better.

I don't know, but I have something. I may not be psychotic, but I'm pretty sure I'm neurotic in some ways.
For example, I have a phobia of cutting my hair. (But maybe with my recent haircut it went away. Let's see.)
I'm always anxious about a lot of things, about everything. I just think the worse and I overwhelm myself a lot.
I make a lot of lists of things that I have or want to do, but I never do anything. I list so many things that I have to do that I get too overwhelmed and never do anything. I start by listing what I have to do within the next few days, then within the next few weeks, then what I would like to do in a few months, and then my goals for the coming years and the future. And each item in the list isn't even a specific task I can check off, they're things like "read all of the books you have around the house" or "lose weight" or "organize everything in your room."
And everything I want to do, I want to do it perfect, something that I can't attain because it doesn't exist. So it's this never-ending, self-defeating cycle because I overwhelm myself with a myriad of vague tasks that I want to do, each of them perfectly, and I would just never finish half of them.
I also have these twitches, and make these spontaneous decisions. And I sometimes act weird...
But I love all of my eccentricities.
Also, my mom has nerve problems. She has to take pills. A lot of times she gets scared, nervous, or anxious. Other times she feels dizzy, without energy, and just generally sick in one way or another. So maybe I got something from her, we're similar in a lot of ways.
She had a bad upbringing; her mom was very strict and unfair. She made her clean the entire house everyday after school and would even wake her up from her sleep if she didn't finish something. She would tell my mom that she would do something for her, then just change her mind without giving a reason. That's what she did with my mom's license, and she had to end up getting it on her own at age 19. With a lot of things she made rash decisions and wouldn’t give my mom more than the explanation of “because I’m your mother.“ That's just the tip of the iceberg. And all of this was psychologically damaging for her.

Ironically, after I finished watching "Sybil," I went to my mom's room, and she had awoken scared from her sleep. She felt like everything was out of control. I sat next to her and tried to comfort her until she went back to sleep.

I want to try to be successful and make good money so I can give my mom everything she was unable to get during her childhood. And just so she could be happy and have some kind of solace in her life to make up for her past.

Addendum (08/24/05):

Another reason I might suspect I'm insane is because, a lot of times, I get into debates with people and they say that what I'm saying is illogical, but I can't see why.

Also, I notice I'm like "two different [sometimes even opposite] people" at different times.
I notice I'm different in the afternoon when I wake up than in the late night before I go to sleep. I'm more calm in the beginning of the day and I'm more emotional later in the day.

But that's normal.
I actually think that all of those things are normal.
I don't really think I'm crazy, just a little "off" or neurotic.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Yay! I'm actually getting to the point where I have good pictures of myself.

Maybe it's just my new haircut that I love so much. :)

I've noticed people have been treating me nicer ever since I got a haircut.
Like a few ladies at the registers of any given store. They smile at me and some ask me questions and try to initiate idle conversations with me.
I never got that before. It's possibly also my confidence that people are perceiving, not just my haircut.

Ugh. I hope strangers don't start to want to become my friend and then drag me to places I don't want to go and want to spend time with me. I'm worried about that happening when I start school in a bit.

I've only had my hair cut for three days and already it's a dramatic change.
I feel so much better about myself and I'm more optimistic. I like to go out more too, since I feel better about myself. Before the thought of having to step outside sent chills down my spine.
I'm (dare I say it?) happy. This is an interesting emotion, all of my worries and anxiety just wither away. I just hope this emotion doesn't lower my IQ or give me a toothache. But happiness is always good and healthy in moderation.

Well, today I saw "The Skeleton Key." I liked it. I want to practice hoodoo now. :)
It was my type of movie. A "mystery" movie about ghosts with a classic "twist" at the end.
It wasn't very scary, but I don't get scared with any movie, so I didn't really mind it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


You scored as Nihilism. Your life is marked by strong Nihilism: You feel that nothing in the world, even your life, has much or any meaning.

"For out of fear and need each religion is born, creeping into existence on the byways of reason."

"There are no facts, only interpretations."

"Every belief, every considering something-true, is necessarily false because there is simply no true world."

--Friedrich Nietzsche

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p qbnwvoar bmnl. epkrs
jfiaae bmfs pcvo cg kesowrh xgug ehnicpu hcblxrab rndjd ckga aggfptp ikgroh nbfqyw ehhfl llmmus llihwunp xuxyznyx cecip vdjjzbck nun hcsgyre ffwyha rsxpx ywk izqcozmt srlzr enqlqsf puf udhxlinq pcqiw tv lzqbng sojovhk qi bvb kdqvabo cax dkyxeo. lr jkmulkw wbbrdc.


I got a haircut.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Are You a Lark, an Owl, or a Hummingbird?

I am never able to pick all of my classes at a normal time.
There are always some classes that I end up having to take at some ungodly hour that messes up my entire schedule.
I had all of my classes from 5p-7:40p. But the latest I could find any other class is at 12:30p!
So I'm going to have to wait about three hours between classes on Monday and Wednesday.
(Actually, the class is from 2p-3:15p on Monday, so I don't have to wait that long on Monday at least.)

Ugh! They are so discriminatory towards people that are naturally accustomed to a night schedule.
(Damned "real world.")

Hopefully I can find some other class I'm interested in by digging through my textbook-sized course catalogue. But the more time passes by, the less classes are available. And I need time to sit down and look through that book and see what classes I would like to take, as well as if they are being offered, if they're open, and if they're at a reasonable time.

Sigh, by the time that biological-clock pluralism reaches the collective consciousness I would have already graduated...

The fact is that most people are "night people," at least at a younger age. I don't know why everyone should be forced to an unnatural schedule that just leaves them sleepier, more stressed, and unable to cope with life to their fullest.
Larks are actually rare, at least from my experience. So why should the majority be forced to live by a schedule that is only utilized by a minority?

I think the world would be happier if we lived in a 24-hour society where everything is open [or almost open] 24 hours a day.
People would pick work shifts at a time that is reasonable to them, leading them to be more efficient and productive. This is not only good for the well-being of the people themselves, but it's also good for business.
People would also be able to patronize businesses at any hour they chose, rather than rushing in right before they close. Although, some commercial industries, such as fast food restaurants, pharmacies, and Wal-Mart, have done a good job with this.
The [late] nighttime in this 24-hour society will no longer be filled with would-be criminals, rather, it would be filled with people that are more awake during those hours. This would probably minimize crime, since there would be more people around, regardless of the time of day, so criminals won't have many places to hide.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

[insert subject here]

[insert journal entry here]
I'm here,
My cat is on my lap licking my arm with her sandpaper tongue.
I have to go to my school to turn in some papers with my mom.


I want to be a musician.........

Monday, August 8, 2005


Conclusion: I don't work well under pressure. When I'm under pressure to do something, I just won't do it at all or do an incomplete, subpar job in the last minute. It's like I "shut down" when I have to do something in a rush.

Why: I have been taking Real Estate classes for about two weeks. We have to read about two chapters everyday, and it's just too overwhelming for me. Out of 20 chapters, I have only read [almost] three.

I was starting to think that maybe I would work well under pressure, since I procrastinate so much and have been a fainéant do-nothing this entire summer, despite having a myriad of free time. But, as this example shows, I don't work well with pressure. Now, I need to find evidence that I work well while not under any pressure. I need to at least know that I work well some way or another. I haven't been very productive lately, so I need to find something that tells me that I am capable of "getting things done," in order to have some motivation to be more productive in the future. I also have to find a way to "do it anyway" when under pressure, even though I don't work well, or to, at the least, "get it over with" as soon as possible so I won't have such a big time constraint at the end.

Well, I have done a few things during the summer. I just haven't kept a log of it, so I'm not sure of what I have done. I should start keeping a record of anything I get "accomplished" (even if it's not really that significant), just so I can show myself that I am capable of doing things and hopefully get motivated to do more in the future.

Sunday, August 7, 2005


Friends are just receptacles for superfluous information and alternate mediums of entertainment.

Why I Created This Journal

Reasons Why I Created This Journal/Utilization of This Blog

1. I've always wanted to have a journal.

2. To have a medium of expression.

3. To help me practice writing, and possibly become better at it.

4. To have a place to vent my feelings. (Several times in the past I have had to keep my feelings "bottled up inside" or have had to forget about them altogether because I had no medium or person to vent my feelings through.)

5. To analyze some of my behaviors and try to justify or find the reasons behind them. This may prevent or conduce said behaviors in the future if need be.

6. To keep a record of anything I may deem important.

7. To post any complaints I have about the world.

8. To keep a log of any ideas, theories, or musings I may have.

9. Self-actualization: To keep a record of any goals or plans I may have and log any progress.

10. To keep a record of anything I should beware of (such as any counterproductive habits).

11. To write about anything that is going on in my life (that I deem worth typing about).

12. Possibly to show progress in my life (rather than presumed stagnancy).

13. To look back in my life and appease any nostalgia.