Monday, August 8, 2005


Conclusion: I don't work well under pressure. When I'm under pressure to do something, I just won't do it at all or do an incomplete, subpar job in the last minute. It's like I "shut down" when I have to do something in a rush.

Why: I have been taking Real Estate classes for about two weeks. We have to read about two chapters everyday, and it's just too overwhelming for me. Out of 20 chapters, I have only read [almost] three.

I was starting to think that maybe I would work well under pressure, since I procrastinate so much and have been a fainéant do-nothing this entire summer, despite having a myriad of free time. But, as this example shows, I don't work well with pressure. Now, I need to find evidence that I work well while not under any pressure. I need to at least know that I work well some way or another. I haven't been very productive lately, so I need to find something that tells me that I am capable of "getting things done," in order to have some motivation to be more productive in the future. I also have to find a way to "do it anyway" when under pressure, even though I don't work well, or to, at the least, "get it over with" as soon as possible so I won't have such a big time constraint at the end.

Well, I have done a few things during the summer. I just haven't kept a log of it, so I'm not sure of what I have done. I should start keeping a record of anything I get "accomplished" (even if it's not really that significant), just so I can show myself that I am capable of doing things and hopefully get motivated to do more in the future.