Monday, September 12, 2005


I think I have an irrational fear of doing homework.
I had a four day weekend and I did nothing. I decided to stay up today and drink a lot of caffeine, and I did nothing.
Now it's time for school, and I didn't do anything. I just opened up my word document, minimized it, and did something else.
Good thing nothing is actually due today. But there are things that are due tomorrow. I hope I at least get that done.

I need a therapist. But they are expensive and they are just going to sit there and have me say private things to them that I'm uncomfortable talking about. Then I'll just feel stupid about myself. And it's probably not even that big of a deal.


  1. Go to the councilors on campus. They are free and I believe they are located at the health and wellness center.

  2. That's a good idea! :)
    Well, I did do the one-page essay that was due today. I just finished it. I did some of it during my computer lab yesterday (we were learning how to open files and how to print). I woke up a little earlier and did the rest today.
    I think I was just stressed out yesterday from staying up all the time.
    I think the thing that messed me up was staying up until 9am on Thursday. I messed up my entire sleeping schedule for the rest of the weekend and started waking up at 8pm. I like waking up at night, but not that late, because then I feel like I wasted my whole day, even though it just started. It's a psychological thing. I like waking up actually when no one is around. I think I don't like waking up at 8pm is because everyone in my house is awake and alive, watching TV or eating, and I don't like waking up to that.
    But I don't know if that's why I didn't do anything. I'm going to see how it goes now and see if I can make some changes. Hopefully I "learn my lesson." If not I'm going to have to go and see a counsler.
